AutoShowField Property

Returns the name of the data field used to determine the top or bottom items that are automatically shown in the specified PivotTable field. Read-only String.


This example displays a message box showing the AutoShow parameters for the Salesman field.

With Worksheets(1).PivotTables(1).PivotFields("salesman")
    If .AutoShowType = xlAutomatic Then
        r = .AutoShowRange
        If r = xlTop Then
            rn = "top"
            rn = "bottom"
        End If
        MsgBox "PivotTable report is showing " & rn & " " & _
            .AutoShowCount & " items in " & .Name & _
            " field by " & .AutoShowField
        MsgBox "PivotTable report is not using AutoShow for this field"
    End If
End With